Launching our new website and online lolly shop

7th Aug 2010

Welcome to our new website! We have taken all the goodies from our Online Lolly Shop (previously called The Professors Shop which was located at and the content side of our wholesale business The Professors Tasty Technology (at http://www.TheProfessorsTastyTechnology) and merged them into one place with a common look and feel, and a more user friendly interface.

It is now easier for us to add products to our website faster, and service our customers better than before.

Unfortunately, it all got a little bit tricky importing prior orders and customers from our old store so you will need to register again if you prefer not to check out as a guest – Sorry for the inconvenience this causes, but registering is little more that entering your name and address details so it shouldn't be to hard.

We welcome any thoughts or feedback you have and look forward to making your world a sweeter place!

David Harakos
Director - The Professors Tasty Technology Pty Ltd