You may be aware of some recent high profile theft of credit card details at a major retailer / online retailer where, allegedly, the retailer stored the credit card details in their internal systems which were subsequently hacked and the credit card details stolen. While we cannot comment as to the accuracy of this report, or specifics of the other retailers situation is, we would like to assure our customers and wholesale clients that we do not store any credit card or account details in any way, shape or form on our databases or systems.
We process credit cards purely via a secure 128bit SSL connection to our credit card payment providers eWay (PCI compliant and certified) and PayPal who are amongst the largest and most secure credit card and online payment processing agencies in Australia (and the World in PayPals case!)
Additionally, the eCommerce solution we use is also PCI compliant and certified giving us a "Belt and Braces" approach the security of your data and ours.
If you have any questions or concerns about the security of your transaction you are welcome to contact us or call 1800 854 234.